Landscape Contractors Need Pollution Liability and Clean-Up Protection

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Pesticide Herbicide Spraying- The standard General Liability Insurance that you purchase has an exclusion for pollution incidents. This specialized endorsement provides the necessary protection required by the state to obtain your applicators permit. The annual cost is based on the number of days you do spraying and is not costly when compared to costs of potential damage done by the spraying of chemicals.

Automobile Upset and chemical spill cleanup. Most contractors don’t consider the exposure to a chemical clean-up spill that exists in the back of your pick-up or trailer. Everyone hauls equipment to the job site. Think of the pollutants you carry to the job site. Powered equipment has gasoline or diesel fuel and crankcase oil. Other equipment may require an oil and gas mixture. And how about the container of Roundup?  If you happen to be in an accident and your vehicle overturns, you will be liable for the clean-up of the pollutants that spill out onto the street, sidewalk, median, etc. A special endorsement is required for your automobile policy to obtain this important protection: Automobile Upset and Chemical Spill Cleanup.

The above should be given serious consideration no matter what size your operations.  Many contractors should give serious consideration to purchasing a stand-alone pollution policy. Professional Insurors has industry professionals available to provide quotes for this often overlooked protection.

Sean Leigh

Sean joined Professional Insurors in 2010 as a Commercial Risk Advisor. He holds designations as a Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist (CLCS) and a Certified Work Comp Advisor (CWCA). Sean has been in the Risk Management business since graduating from OSU.

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